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Do You Need a Bigger Office? 6 Signs to Look Out For

Ryan Eisner • July 27, 2022
Spacious and bright modern office interior with rows of desks and computers, set against the backdrop of a city skyline.

The right-sized office space maximizes productivity and keeps employees comfortable. As your business grows, you must seek bigger premises with better meeting, working, and storage areas. Check out the signs that indicate you need a bigger office below.

1. You Are Low on Meeting Space

Well-equipped meeting rooms are essential to any business premises as they facilitate brainstorming, decision-making, and planning. These areas also hold client meetings without interruption or leaking of privileged information.

If your clients and employees often wait for meeting space or converge in restaurants and other informal areas due to inadequate space, you likely need bigger premises. Insufficient meeting space affects productivity as decisions aren't always made on time, resulting in frequent delays. 

The lack of meeting space also impacts clients' perception of your business. As your business grows, anticipate more vendor and client meetings and plan appropriately.

2. You Have Insufficient Storage Space

An overly cramped office space makes a poor impression among suppliers and customers. Employees also need neat workspaces to work efficiently. 

If overflowing cabinets and cupboards characterize your workstations, relocate to a bigger space. Inadequate storage space means that employees constantly look for files and equipment, which wastes time. Clutter also creates tripping hazards and compromises work safety.

3. You Have Employees Who Complain About Space

Your staff spends much time at work, and a disorganized space affects their comfort. If an employee can't push back their chair and not bump into a coworker, they often won't look forward to going to work. You may even suffer high turnover rates because of cluttered workstations.

You can run an anonymous survey to determine how your employees feel about the office space. If most workers are unhappy, consider a new, spacious location.

4. You Need a Culture Shift

A new office may be the best way to rebrand and refresh your operations. A dingy and antiquated office can hurt your brand and turn away potential employees and clients. 

Over time, businesses often shed old habits for new values, and you may desire to highlight your new culture through office design. For example, you may prioritize collaboration, and a spacious, open-plan design encourages employees to interact and share ideas. If you wish to establish the business as a modern brand, a stimulating workplace with hybrid workstations may be what you need.

5. You Can't Accommodate Departmental Growth

The need for new departments often accompanies the growth of any business, but you may lack the space to host new offices. You often find departments spread out on different floors or parts of the same building.

Other departments shouldn't stay right next to each other. For example, workers in marketing and sales departments often talk loudly on the phone all day while IT professionals primarily work in silence. A new space gives you a fresh chance to reorganize your departments for maximum productivity.

6. You Have Outgrown Your Current Location

Most business owners launch brands in affordable office spaces, often away from prime business areas in New York City. However, moving closer to transport links and amenities is often essential as you get more customers and hire more employees. Office relocation may also be necessary if you are surrounded by many competitors, a rising crime rate, or failing businesses.

Hudson River Moving & Storage, LLC, is the relocation company of choice for many businesses moving to new office spaces. Office moving is a lot of work, and we take care of the relocation process, so you can focus on business continuity. Contact us today for expert moving services. 

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